? ??????????????Night Hearts (Animated)? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.7 (56 Ratings)??74 Grabs Today. 20182 T
otal Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ?????Queen of Hearts? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 5.0 (6 Ratings)??70 Grabs Today. 8046 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ???????The Very Last Time BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Pupil`s Response 20- Graciousness

1) The meaning of "Graciousness" is to help one another get on the day without showing anger or being impolite.
2) Practising magical words, be kind to people
3) I have been practising magical words and using them often.
4) We should be gracious to each other because we do not want to have fights often.
5) No. Singaporeans are not generally gracious because there are some people who scold other people vulgar words and some of them get into fights once they talk.
6) We can make Andersonians be gracious by having a contest like the previous one 'Magical Dust of Kindness' activity.
7) Yes, I do like the activity because it teaches us " Graciousness".
8) I have benefited that being Gracious can help with stopping fights and scolding vulgar words.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Cyber Wellness 3-Danger of Sharing Personal Infomation

1) You should not reveal any particulars of you.
2) Yes, but I only revealed it on Facebook.
3) For example, you should not reveal any infomation like where you stay, what time you come home, yourr picture and many more.
4) The dangers are that they might blackmail you or ccome and look for you.
5) I would tell him/her the importance of revealing personal infomation.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Cyberwellness 2 - Handling Inappropriate Content

1) Yes. I saw this dumb test online my mother clicked on it while I told her not to.

2) It asks you you particulars.

3) We should Delete anything inappropriate on the internet

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Cyberwellness- Cyber Addiction (Pupil`s Response)

1. My Favourite game online is y8.com.
2. I spend 1/2 an hour playing the game.
3. It does not really affect my daily routine as I do not play it regularly.
4. Do not play games regularly, do not watch television very often.
5. I would give advice that is you should not play computer, handheld gmes very often or watch television neither.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Pupil`s Response 19- Effects of Preventive Measures on Pupils

1) I think that the school's preventive measures for H1N1 such as temperature-taking, no assembly in the hall, cancellation of remedial lessons and CCA is good sign of prevention to the flu.
2) The cancellation of the High-Achievers program is effecting me.
3) The cancellation of the High- Achievers program is effecting my learning by not having lessons also meaning that I do not get to learnt anything.
4) I think the school is not interesting by not having stay backs.
5) I think my relationship with my friends and teachers are not effected as most of them are in my class and others we meet together.
6) I would go home to wait for my tuition teacher to come to tuition me, do my homework or play outdoor games with my brother.
7) My activities outside school are not really effected as I still have my tuition teacher to cover up the things I haven`t learn.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Reflections- Influenza A H1N1

A) 5 things you know or learnt about H1N1 flu:
1) I know that H1N1 flu was called swine flu.
2) I learnt that H1N1 flu can spread very easily.
3) I know that H1N1 flu has infected many countries.
4) I know that we should go to a doctor if we are sick.
5) Somethings like fever, cough and runny nose are signs that tell you have H1N1 flu.

B) 5 things you learnt from the 3 videos:
1) We must be hygienic to prevent H1N1 flu.
2) If we touch or do something that is unhygienic we should wash our hand thoroughly.
3) We must wash our hands in the correct way.
4)We must sneeze in tissue, handkerchief or wear a mask to prevent germs from spreading.
5) We must wash our hands before we eat, after we play and after touching pets.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Project Week!!!

We did use computers for 2 days, to do PowerPoint and Word.................
And did a Art Poster yesterday, about saving the EARTH!